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Friday 19 March 2021: Online Workshop (Log Cabin Blocks)

Fri, 19 Mar


Online Interactive Workshop

Nicholas Payne hosts a REPEAT of his three-hour Online Interactive Workshop on Log Cabin Improv Blocks! This class is repeated on 21/3/21…

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Friday 19 March 2021: Online Workshop (Log Cabin Blocks)
Friday 19 March 2021: Online Workshop (Log Cabin Blocks)

Time & Location

19 Mar 2021, 18:00 – 21:00 GMT

Online Interactive Workshop

About the Event

Nicholas Ball - Friday 19 March 2021 - 6.00pm to 9.00pm (GMT)

Online Interactive Workshop: Log Cabin Blocks

Regrettably, tickets for this three-hour class have now SOLD OUT!

Below is the course info, video and photo reference for those who have secured a place on Friday 19 March 2021:-

Well established as a firm 'fan-fave' amongst the CraftyMonkies faithful, leading light of the 'Improv-Quilting' world Nicholas Ball, joins us once again in March to deliver a repeat (or close facsimile of, as no two Nicholas clases are alike!) of his Log Cabin Blocks workshop - in an 'improv-styley' of course!

Introduction by Nicholas:-

The Log Cabin is instantly recognisable as one of the most classic and ubiquitous patchwork blocks. When I stared quilting way back when, I always liked the idea of making a traditional version, yet all the cutting and precision put me off!

If you feel the same and want to try a quick and fun approach to this most beloved of blocks, then this version is perfect.  Join me in my liberated log cabin workshop where we’ll use organic piecing to put an improv spin on this versatile block. We’ll look at how to use chain piecing to sped up the process, how to add interest with angular cuts, half square triangle starters and blind bag pulling, as well as a stacked version that’ll give you more blocks in less time, perfect for when you need a quick finish!

Material requirements for this Online Interactive Workshop:-

Whilst difficult to give exact fabric amounts and measurements when sewing in an improvised way, please use the following as a rough guide.

For the basic log cabin units, a large variety of strips in solid and print fabric, plus an assortment of smaller scraps to add interest. Feel free to cut your pieces from yardage or use jelly roll pre-cuts. If cutting from yardage, use an assortment of widths, from 1” to 3”.

For the half square triangle starters, rough squares approximately 3-4” in a variety of fabrics.

For the stacked log cabin starters, approximately 10-12” squares of 6-8 different print or solid fabrics.

Please don’t stress about these requirements! They are simply a guide and I’ve yet to teach a class where something couldn’t be made because of the wrong fabric pieces. If in doubt, gather up a selection of prints and colours you like and you can cut during the workshop. Accuracy at the cutting stage is not so important using my techniques, so it won’t take long at all if you want to cut your pieces along with me. They also needn’t be perfectly square or straight, so feel free to use scissors!

This is a technique based workshop. We will be exploring log cabins and won’t have finished project in mind.  Feel free to make as many or as few of the units as you like. You can combine them into a sampler or continue to work on the project after the workshop by adding more units to it. Don’t feel any pressure to cut up all your precious fabric!

Equipment needed for this Online Interactive Workshop:-

  • A sewing machine
  • Good quality thread in an appropriate weight for piecing (I recommend Aurifil 50wt)
  • Rotary cutter with a new blade
  • Cutting mat
  • Patchwork ruler (we can make any size work, but a small 1” x 12” is very handy, as is a 12.5” square.
  • Fabric scissors
  • A bag or small box
  • A willingness to explore your own creativity!

​Tickets for this Online Interactive Workshop (via the Zoom platform) will be limited & allocated on a first-come/first-served basis! If applicable, any free pattern, or other information, relevant to this course will be forwarded to you after booking and approximately 5 days before the course date. The ticket price of £25.00 is based on ONE person attending this crafting class.

Ordering MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT Online For Any Class/Workshop! In light of current uncertainties regarding potential lockdowns in some/all parts of the UK due to Covid-19, please ensure you book your place & order any materials/equipment online in plenty of time ahead of any course dates.


This class is a live Zoom Workshop ONLY! We are NOT able to offer a recorded Pay-On-Demand video for sale after this event. The only way to enjoy this class is to book a ticket for this Zoom Workshop!


  • Online Workshop: LogCabinBlock

    This ticket is for the CraftyMonkies Online Interactive Workshop with Nicholas Ball on Friday 19 March 2021 (6.00pm-9.00pm, GMT)

    Sold Out

This event is sold out

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