Purchase this digital product and receive a link to the YouTube video of the CraftyMonkies Online Interactive Workshop featuring artist Russell Barratt and his Wonky Dot workshop.
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Dots, Dots, Dots! Who doesn’t love dots? Join us for a Wonky Dots mini patchwork workshop.
If you’re at all familiar with my work already, you’ll know I’m a bit crazy about dots. What else would I focus on for my first class with Crafty Monkies? I love adding these characterful little spots to many of my quilts. They make me smile and can have a wonderful effect of standing out yet bringing work together - leveling out a busy composition or being the main event themselves. I have discovered the joy and freedom in keeping them wonky and not being too precise…let your creative flow guide you! You’ll just need a bunch of fabric scraps, needle, thread and a some simple stitches. Of course its not quite as simple as cutting a circle and laying on the fabric, I’m excited to share a bit about my process with you, how do I come up with concepts, colours, textures, placement, sizing etc. We're also going to make a mini patchwork, another fave of mine – it’s going to be relaxing and fun and my aim is to inspire you for your future creative endeavours – let’s do this together!
What You Will Learn in this recording of the Online Interactive Workshop:-
In this 3 hour workshop we’ll make a mini patchwork and learn to appliqué wonky dots to build layers and add interest. These mini quilt tops are fantastic as inspiration for larger works – perfect for an “ unblock” creative project or can be finished off later as a mini quilt in its own right. We’ll work together and cut up some scraps, build our patchwork then cut out our dots and attach them using simple stitches. We will look at three easy ways to appliqué and a forth slightly less wonky way. I’ll be touching on the inspirations for my own work and discussing my process in creating quilt collages with used fabrics.
Skill Level for this Online Interactive Workshop:-
This workshop is geared toward anyone willing to work with needle and thread. – No experience required.
Material requirements for this Online Interactive Workshop:-
A small selection of fabric scraps – enough to make a small patchwork background, we’re aiming for approximately 10”x10” in size (or you can choose to use a single piece!) and some for making the dots. For the dots, choose fabric that is easy to turn under – not thick or stiff
Hand sewing needle – a good general purpose needle is fine.
Thread – any general purpose thread in any colour that you want to use. I just use whatever comes to hand.
Sharp Scissors or rotary cutter
Sharp Pins
Optional: a pen or pencil suitable for drawing on to fabric – if you want to draw out your dots before cutting.
Optional: a cardboad dot approximately 3” diameter and a piece of kitchen tin foil bigger than the dot
Fabric requirements for this Online Interactive Workshop:-
Fabric – enough scraps to piece together approximately 10”x10” square for your background. You can use a single piece to add the dots to if you want. I like to mix prints and solids to create surprising results. You’ll also want four or five scraps approximately 4” squared to cut the dots from. I would usually save the brightest highlight colours for the dots!
Equipment requirements for this Online Interactive Workshop:-
Good lighting is always helpful while doing handwork
Iron and pressing surface
Optional: sewing machine - if you would prefer to machine your background patchwork together
This class is available to view as many times as you like for 60 days FROM THE DATE OF YOUR PURCHASE
NOTE: Any short video featured in this promotional info is a Trailer and not the fully-edited version you'll gain access to via YouTube!
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