Purchase this digital product and receive a link to the YouTube video of the CraftyMonkies Online Interactive Workshop featuring leading designer, tutor & craft expert Gary Mills and his excellent Collage Doodles class, the second in our 'easy-art' Creative Sketchbook Series, which first aired via Zoom on Wednesday 9th June 2021.
Once you have purchased this product, the PDF document you will receive contains a link to the private-access video on YouTube as well as the Workshop Information Sheet!
Introduction by Gary:-Have you always wanted to feel more confident in creating a sketch book or exploring mark making ideas on paper? We are not all given the natural ability to draw and yet we love to get creative, but that blank sheet of paper or a drawing in a sketch book can seem so daunting.Let me introduce my creative sketch book workshops designed by me, Gary Mills, that can help develop creative ability in anyone. You do not even have to consider yourself the next Picasso, as all the activities are about making a response rather than an accurate representation of what you see or want to communicate.The exercises (chapters) are on “How I create a sketch book”, or more accurately how I carry out a series of engaging and fun activities which I then later curate into a 'book',sketchbook, journal or portfolio.This is not your conventional art drawing lesson, far from it; but rather a textiles-based sketch book to inform and work alongside your practice but that a quilter, a textile artist, or someone who just enjoys all aspects of textiles and sewing. This workshop helps you to make a response to moments in time or from observations that you can use to apply to textiles. Be that colour, texture, form, and line; but also details and little scenes captured in time.
This first workshop concentrated on Colour & Tone, which is one of the fundamental foundations of good design and creative outcomes. Each chapter ends with a mini conclusion or project outcome: in Collage Doodles you finish with 3 x decorated Luggage Tags for framing or adding to a wrapped gift!What You Will Learn in this COLLAGE DOODLES Online Interactive Workshop:-COLLAGE DOODLES: looks at using, blocks, squares, and rectangles as a theme to get you started. Suggested would be a tonal colour palette to give design cohesion, see images from Gary’s examples where he has used tones of blues on buff and old book pages, but feel free to explore groups of colours and papers. Activities include, paper image weaving, pulling an image or text using scotch tape/ cello tape, sticking, doodling, hand stitch and adding haberdashery such as vintage buttons. Making little abstract compositions but keeping to a loose theme. Outcome is to make 3 decorated worked tags for either framing or as a gift tag. This activity links to applique, contemporary embroidery, and mixed media textile.Skill Level for this Online Interactive Workshop:-Gary has many years’ experience as a professional practitioner and teacher of art and textiles; his workshops are so enjoyable, fun, and very well organised with his clear and patient guidance. This workshop is suitable for all; if you are a beginner this is a great way to learn and explore the rudiments of art-based design processes and for those with some confidence and experienced you could further diversify your approaches to sketch booking through your artistic ability.
This class is available to view as many times as you like for 60 days FROM THE DATE OF YOUR PURCHASE
NOTE: Any short video featured in this promotional info is a Trailer and not the fully-edited version you'll gain access to via YouTube!
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