Purchase this digital product and receive a link to the YouTube video of the CraftyMonkies Online Interactive Workshop featuring leading designer, tutor & craft expert Gary Mills and his wonderful Summer Meadows & Grassy Banks class, which first aired via Zoom on Friday 04 June 2021.
Once you have purchased this product, the PDF document you will receive contains a link to the private-access video on YouTube as well as the Master Image Template and Gary's Embroidery Stitches Guide, both of which are essential for this class!
Introduction by Gary:-
I just love the summer! The warmth, the colours and how nature is literally just buzzing with life. In this mixed media outcome, I feel I have captured in stitch, with colour washes and applique the essence of this time of year; creating something I can view and admire as I let my mind wander back in time when the weather has changed to those darker winter months.As always in my workshops, I like to offer a ‘skills-bomb’ of processes for you to learn. This is a portfolio of skills for you to take away and continue to build upon in your own creative journey. I have tailored this project for all to enjoy learning a mixture of creative textile skills. You will begin the session firstly by layering found and collected natural fabrics to build your background which you will lightly tint with colour washes from a simple water colour paint box. I will then guide you through using free motion embroidery to add an artistic stitched touch to the pebbles, grasses, and stems. When your confidence has grown, I will show you how to free motion embroider some simple daisies into your image. As your mixed media work comes together you will add colour and hand stitches along with some simple petal shapes to create more interest to your outcome.This workshop is a great way to get to grips with these addictive skilled processes; The class is full of 'how-to' tips to get the best results from both yourself and your sewing-machine. Your finished outcome could be simply framed but would make a great panel for a quilt or even a cushion or bag front - I will discuss with you any ideas that come up through this workshop!...What You Will Learn in this Online Interactive Workshop:-To begin, you will be introduced to the project, and then Gary will guide you through each of the skilled processes:-You will learn how to build up a layered background of fabrics to work upon. You will be using colour washes for your background and then further working into your work with more colour as it develops. You will be practicing free motion embroidery along with complementing hand stitches. Appliqué is used for additional details both initially on the background and then applied to the final layers as your work into your subject of florals. Outcome measures 7” x 9”Skill Level for this Online Interactive Workshop:This workshop is suitable for all; if you are a beginner this is a great project to learn and understand mixed media textiles with the range of processes contained within this workshop. For those more experienced and advanced you can further hone your skills by working on improved accuracy and artistic ability to achieve a first-class professional finish.
This class is available to view as many times as you like for 60 days FROM THE DATE OF YOUR PURCHASE
NOTE: Any short video featured in this promotional info is a Trailer and not the fully-edited version you'll gain access to via YouTube!
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